Trekking in African Mountains

Africa is the only continent with a dry climate and green geographical features. Uganda, Congo, and Ethiopia have the highest mountains in Africa. For example, the Ruwenzori range, situated between Congo and Uganda, is the site for many highest mountains and they are just a few miles in distance.

Trekking in African Mountains
Trekking in African Mountains

Trekking in African Mountains

Trekking in African Mountains
Trekking in African Mountains

Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro
Mount Kilimanjaro (source)

The Mount Kilimanjaro situated in Kilimanjaro range, Tanzania, is the tallest free-standing mountain in the entire world, and highest in Africa, at 5,895 meters above sea level. Kilimanjaro was created by volcanic eruption, and the three cones on the top are called Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira. The tallest point is Kobo; Mawenzi and Shira are not counted as different mountains as they are situated in the same range.

Mount Kenya

Mount Kenya
Mount Kenya (source)

Mount Kenya, first acsented in 1899, is the second highest point in Africa. There are three main points in the Mount Kenya: Batian, Nelion, and Point Lenana. It is located at about 150 km from Nairobi, near the center of Kenya.

Mount Stanley

Mount Stanley, first acsented in 1906, is the third highest mountain in African continent, located between Republic of the Congo and Uganda, and the tallest point of both countries.

Trekking in African Mountains
Trekking in African Mountains

Mount Speke

Mount Speke
Mount Speke (source)

Mount Speke is situated in the Ruwenzori Mountain range, and known as a fourth tallest peak in Africa and the second tallest in the Ruwenzori range after the Mount Stanley. It is located in Uganda, and the first ascent was in 1906.

Mount Baker

Mount Baker
Mount Baker (source)

Mount Baker, also known as Edward peak, is located in Ruwenzori range in Uganda, just 2.8 kilometers from the border of Congo. It was first reached in the year of 1906.

Mount Emin

Mount Emin is situated in the range of Ruwenzori in Democratic Republic of Congo with a mountain of Mount Speke, and is the one of the six mountains of the Ruwenzori range. It was reached first in the year of 1906. Emin has two summits called Umberto and Kraepelin.

Mount Gessi

Mount Gessi is also located in the Ruwenzori range in Uganda, with twin peaks called Yolanda and Bottego.

Mount Meru

Mount Meru was created by the volcanic eruption and it is situated just 44 km of Kilimanjaro. With the rock-strewn summit and the bottom, surrounded by green deep forest, it is a home to a large population of wild animals

Mount Meru
Mount Meru

Ras Dashen

Ras Dashen is the tallest mountain in Ethiopia, with extinct volcanic status; it is located in Semien Mountains range. It was first reached in 1841.


Karisimbi is the tallest mountain of Rwanda, sharing one of its parts with DR Congo. It also was created by a volcano and is still present with Dormant Volcanic status.

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